Is now the right time to look for a new mortgage?
This may well be a very good time to review your mortgage arrangements.
Let’s face it, nobody really wants a mortgage. What you want is an affordable, comfortable home that meets your needs. One that will help to provide you and your family with a secure future. For most of us, a mortgage is the only way of achieving this. We may not want a mortgage, but we do need a mortgage.
Recently, the financial news has been full of headlines about rising mortgage rates following the Bank of England’s recent increase of the base interest rate to the highest level for 13 years*. This, combined with big increases in energy costs and the general cost of living, has been an understandable cause for concern for many homeowners and those planning to take their first step on the property ladder.
This is why now is a really good time to review your current mortgage arrangements and find out what other deals are available, and which might best suit your needs. For example, moving to a new fixed rate mortgage now could help you to avoid future interest rate rises, by locking in a lower rate for several years.
*Source: The Bank of England, June 2022
Choosing the right mortgage
The right mortgage always starts with the right advice, and the right advice always starts with the right conversation. BCM Wealth Management Ltd’s friendly and experienced mortgage advisers take the time to get to know you and understand your situation. After all, everyone is different and everyone has different circumstances, goals and needs.
BCM is different too. They don't go into this looking to sell you something. They only care about helping you. You’ll find the service very different, giving you friendly, expert mortgage advice and finding the right solution for you, keeping you informed every step of the way. It’s so much better than dealing with some anonymous online provider.
Whatever your situation and whatever kind of mortgage you are looking for, BCM Wealth Management can help.
First-time buyers
Buying your first home, or helping your children or grandchildren buy theirs, is a huge moment. It’s both exciting and daunting in equal measures. The BCM team will explain the range of different mortgages available and help you make the best choice. In fact, BCM can manage the entire house-buying process, from first application to final completion, giving you so much less to worry about.
With interest rates rising, many people are looking for a better mortgage deal. Your home is usually your biggest asset, and remortgaging your property is also a common way to raise capital for extensions or renovations. Our qualified mortgage advisers can lead you through the remortgaging process from start to finish.
Essential advice
The next step is yours. But you won’t be taking it alone. BCM’s mortgage advisers will guide you through the maze of options - fixed rate or tracker, flexible or offset - and support you every step of the way.
We can help you find the best mortgage, whether you’re employed or self-employed, buying for yourself or helping your children get a foot on the property ladder.
If you’re looking for a new, or better, mortgage, speak to a BCM adviser today.
The home on which the mortgage is secured may be repossessed if repayments are not maintained.
We offer a comprehensive range of first charge mortgages from across the market, which lenders make available to mortgage intermediaries, for which we will be paid a procuration fee by the lender.
Chat to our specialist mortgage team at BCM Wealth Management. Call 01780 437500.
BCM Wealth Management Ltd is an appointed representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The ‘St. James’s Place Partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives.